Virtual boundaries, or ‘geofences’ can be drawn around locations to signify areas of interest or ‘keep out’ zones. Organisations and workers themselves can be alerted when entering or exiting important or dangerous locations.

Designate areas and zones to keep vehicles in or out of

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The platforms geofencing capabilities give our customers the power to detect (and recover) stolen vehicles and eliminate vehicle misuse.  Places and locations can be added, grouped and displayed on the Live Map along with contact details and notes. Street View allows you to view the location from a 3D, street level perspective. Geofences can be drawn around locations to signify areas of interest or ‘keep-out’ zones – alerting you when vehicles enter or exit.


A location is a single point on a map, represented by an icon. This usually refers to a single location point. By contrast, a Geofence has no icon and represents an area on the map – such as a boundary or perimeter. Examples of Geofence’s include worksites, quarries, towns and even counties. Designed to fit all shapes, the Geofence is polygonal – meaning it is made up of many sides. As polygons are not circles in means a more accurate Geofence shape can be drawn that realistically define irregular geographical shapes.

Although a Geofence and Location are conceptually different terms, it is possible to create a location that incorporates a Geofence and a point of location. For example, you may wish to represent a warehouse facility or depot as a single location, with which you attribute an icon, as well as a Geofence that marks its perimeter.


Locations are useful in representing points of interest on the map – such as office locations, worker’s homes and so on. Locations can be assigned icon’s that once drawn can provide further information. This provides useful information on an asset’s current location relative to your points of interest.

Geofences are most commonly used alongside an alerting system. SDS’s Mobile Platform includes a comprehensive alerting mechanism that allows users to setup alerts that are raised when assets enter or leave a Geofence. By defining a boundary around locations as a Geofence, and providing rules based on when assets can enter and exit these Geofences, you can create a highly flexible proactive monitoring system.